Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.contributor.authorSánchez Garriga, Juan Manuel
dc.identifier.citationSánchez Garriga, J. M. (2020). Short Stories’ Didactic Leaflet To Contribute To The Development Of The Vocabulary In 1st Year Students. Trabajo de Diploma. Universidad de Matanzas.es
dc.description.abstractVocabulary acquisition may be considered to be the main problem in learning the English language. When teaching a new language, we place great emphasis on the importance of acquiring a useful vocabulary. In this matter, the development of the four linguo-communicative abilities, (listening, reading-comprehension, speaking, and writing) is highly proportional to the selection of appropriate didactic materials which may be as the result of an important tool. Consequently, the objective of this research is to design a short stories’ didactic leaflet to contribute to the development of the vocabulary in 1st year students of the English majoring of the Blending Course from the University of Matanzas. In the development of this work, the dialectic-materialistic as the guide of the whole investigation was applied, alike with the theoretical, empirical and statistical methods used by the author. The initial diagnostic of the actual situation of the 1st year students of the English majoring of the Blending Course from the University of Matanzas revealed a problematic situation concerning the linguo-communicative abilities into the teaching learning process, and as the result of that the development of the vocabulary; which demonstrated that it was necessary to provide suitable didactic materials such as: a leaflet to support the teaching-learning process of the English language. The scientific result was elaborated from the actual pedagogical, linguistic and didactic rationales. Finally, the main bases for the further application of the scientific result are suggested.es
dc.publisherUniversity of Matanzas. Faculty of Languages. Department of Foreign Languages.es
dc.titleShort Stories’ Didactic Leaflet To Contribute To The Development Of The Vocabulary In 1st Year Students.es

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Zur Kurzanzeige